Online Course - The Mind /course 2
With Anette Carlstrom "Oneness in the Body"
Discover the Wholeness of who you are: Body - Mind - Consciousness - and how to find health, balance and develop new perspectives and awareness. This is a deep dive and alignment to the whole and to move into your Highest Potential as a human being. The course will include plenty of information and guided meditative processes.
How thoughts and feelings affect our awareness and choices in our lives.
Discover the thought sphere of the mind-body.
A deep dive into the nature of the mind to raise awareness.
How we can get declutched from the mind and plug into a heart-brain connection.
Learn why you are the way you are – a review of the subconscious program that bring “the you” into being as a unique individual.
Discover the purpose of the mind and how to use the mind.
Guidad Meditation